Johnny Appleseed in Space
From September 17 to October 4, I am a visiting scholar at Urbana University. This is one of the biggest honors of my career to date. Here’s the story from the local Urbana, OH newspaper.
We are sending apple seeds from authentic, Ohio-grown (like 24 other Space travelers, including Neil Armstrong) Johnny Appleseed apple trees to Space—via my friends at United Launch Alliance—and then bringing them back to be distributed at participating schools for propagating and planting as Johnny Appleseed Space Appletrees.
This is my very first Space mission, with mission patches and all! Even better is representing Johnny Appleseed, my personal most beloved home-grown American superhero. Without Johnny “Appleseed” Chapman, we would not have America. He harmed not plant, animal, woman, or child, and he was respected enough by the First Nation people of those lands to be called Medicine Man. The Johnny Appleseed legacy is one I am proud to carry forward into the future.
Stay tuned, launch information coming soon!